The Weather

It's a funny thing that gets talked about by nearly everyone on earth.  The weather.  I guess maybe it's because it is something we are all experiencing together at the exact moment.  It can give some common ground to either praise or curse together. 

I rarely know what the weather is expected to be like on any given day.  Unless I have a task that is truly weather dependant like travel, or an outdoor event like a golf game; I rarely even peek.  I can tell you in the morning if its raining without even looking outside just by the way I feel when I wake up.  I don't believe that I have some sort of internal barometer but when it rains I just feel super groggy in the morning.  

We really have no say over what the weather holds so I guess my reason for not looking is not to give it any credit on how my day will go.  I just kind of accept it.  When it's beautiful out, I am grateful for it and surprised by the sun coming through the windows for the most part.  If it's cold I notice the bite as soon as I open the door and am grateful for heated seats. I'm not a fan of wind though. 

There isn't much that I can say heavy wind is good for other than to blow away fresh lawn clippings or dead leaves.  Maybe if I was a surfer, I would love the wind. A breeze? I love a good breeze!  A breeze can set the tone for a warm evening and a great picture.  A breeze will flirt with you when you drop that piece of paper from your hand skipping a step or two on the ground laughing.  Wind tells you to piss off and takes it into whatever random direction it wants.  Wind just knocks things around. It sends whatever precipitation is falling into a sideways direction straight into your face seemingly with the hopes of driving itself under the skin.  Wind can knock you off your feet on an icy sidewalk; and of course, take your favourite hat.  

Guess what is going to show up everyday? The weather.  We don't have any say about what kind shows up, all we can do is be prepared to deal with it.  Raining? Wear a raincoat or pop an umbrella.  Sunny and hot, put on a t-shirt, some sunscreen and a hat. It's just a thing that is going to be there no matter what time you go to bed, what time you wake up, whether its your wedding day or you are stuck inside.  It just is. So why let the weather dictate your mood?  Why would someone let something completely out of their control, that is accepted as entirely random, set the tone for their day? I can understand heeding storm warnings of course.  That keeps you safe, but who cares if its raining or cold unless there is a specific task to do outside?  

You know who cares about the weather? People that work outside.  That isn't most people.  Most people don't have outdoor work.  And my guess, is that most people that work outside...they don't like the wind either. 

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